online ballot and paper ballots

A Hybrid election is a mix of On-Line and Paper ballots
(for those who do not have internet access)

1. Setup your election parameters by following our simple step-by-step instructions.

Insert the candidates or poll issue.
Choose your security level and other options.
Decide on the voting period opening & closing dates.
Upload the list of email addresses of your voting members.
Mouse-over tips are available.

2. For those members that do not have an email address

Prepare a paper ballot and send it via the USPS as you always have, with a SASE for them to return the ballot. Receive the paper ballots and have them opened by your appointed Proxy manager.

3. Use a 'Proxy' manager to enter the answers from the paper ballots

Have the Proxy manager enter the votes from the paper ballots into the website where they will be combined with the on-line votes. All of the ballots will be counted & totaled together.

Post election

When the results are posted, the tallies will show only the totals. The paper vs. on-line results will not be discernible.